Monday, February 4, 2008

The Automatice Millionaire

So yesterday my husband, daughter Bailey and I went to Barns and Noble for some coffee and shopping. We each decided we would get a book. Isaac's was involving history. I don't remember the name, since I was never a big fan of history. Bailey's was Quack Quack. A fuzzy book with different animals and how they feel when you pet them. Mine was The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach. I have wanted this book for several years now and finally made my purchase. I am happy to say that I finished this book yesterday. It was a good read that kept my attention. I highly recommend this book to everyone and will probably start giving it as part of wedding gifts because I believe it will really help anyone. The first thing I did after completing it was to up my 401k contribution from 8% to 10%. This is one of the first steps to Paying Yourself first and that is just what I did. My husband’s employer puts a little over 10% into a 401K plan for him without him contributing a dime. I need to get in there!! Anyway we are setting ourselves up for a great life when we retire.

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