Monday, June 16, 2008

Potty Training

So my daughter is 17 months and I would really like her to be potty trained before having any other children.
Last night my husband got one of the best Father's day gifts. My daughter was in the bathroom and picked up her potty seat. My husband saic no Bailey put that down. I said maybe she has to go to the bathroom. She has probably sat on the seat a couple hand full of times since getting it at 13 months. We took her diaper off and said go potty. Waiting... and all of a sudden we hear it. She went and stopped 3 times and knew exactly what she was doing. We both couldn't believe our ears and we so excited for her. By no means is she potty trained, but she now can relate the two. Afterwards we gave her a pop ice, which she loved! My goal is to have her potty trained before she is two. Some might say that is early, but I believe slow and repetition teaching. This week I plan on buying her some Elmo (Her Favorite) underwear as a specail treat to show her what she can wear if she keeps going in the potty.

A few times a month since she has been two we let her sit at the computer and watch Elmo's Potty Time. She loves it. She also loves this interactive potty game from SeasameWorkshop
Have your little one check them out.

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