Yes that is the heading of an article I just read and am questing... what... how does it work... who uses these...
These are all questions that are running through my head.
Here is the full article:
Are you stressed out? Like, right now?
You might have some company.
New research points out that nearly three-quarters of the UK’s workforce can claim fatigue in the first degree. In response, Krispy Kreme, more revered for their scrumptious and addictive fried creations, switched hats and went to work questioning 1,000 British employees about the origins of their stress. Over half blamed it on a lack of contact with nature.
And so, the world’s first (living) grass flip flops were born. Krispy Kreme is temporarily expanding their trade to include cobblery, bringing a little piece of the pasture to the tired soles of Brits everywhere. Each flip-flop has 5,000 blades of soft, springy grass to cushion your feet. With a little water and care, the earthy thongs will last up to four months, making every day of summer a walk in the park.
Natasha Jacob is a finder of curiously awesome Green stuff. She blogs regularly for MSN Green and can be reached at natasha.jacob@gmail.com.
Ok... Would you buy these or even wear them? I asked myself this and I'm not sure if i would. Yes I like to walk around in fresh grass barefoot it feels good and I would say it's relaxing, but wait... Walking around in grass flip flops? Maybe it's the next big thing, but I don't think I will be partaking in these anytime soon.